While colleges and universities slash budgets in the face of historic losses, a common echo on every campus rings, “Use the endowment!”

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University Endowment Sued for Underperforming the S&P 500
A 94-year-old donor is taking on the University of Colorado Foundation over active investing.
Ohio State benefactor’s family seeing red over mishandling of $30.3 million endowment
Michael E. Moritz was devoted to The Ohio State University, but surviving family members are accusing the institution of not properly honoring the man’s legacy.
Honor Bound Initiative seeks to restore legitimacy to Ohio State donor program
The family of the late Michael Moritz has approved the Honor Bound Initiative, which launched last week, in an effort to help focus on restoring honor to the donor program at Ohio State University.
Moritz family spreading word about endowment battle with Ohio State
As legal battles with Ohio State University continue, the family of Michael Moritz has asked U.S. senators to look into what the family believes are unacceptable endowment practices at Ohio State and other universities. They’ve also launched a campaign to publicly call out Ohio State’s actions.
Family accuses OSU of mishandling Moritz endowment
COLUMBUS (WCMH) – Chances are you don’t have an extra $30 million in the bank that you are going to give to your alma mater.
Moritz family creates campaign seeking more transparency of Ohio State’s use of endowment funds
CLEVELAND, Ohio –The family of the namesake of Ohio State University’s Moritz College of Law is launching an advertising campaign to shed light on how the university uses donations.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE JULY 17, 2020 COLUMBUS, OHIO – Today, with the full support of the late Michael Moritz’s family, the Honor Bound Initiative launched with a mission to restore honor to Ohio State University’s donor program by shining a spotlight on how Ohio State is spending endowment funds. Specifically, Ohio State is spending endowment […]